Thursday, December 24, 2009

Kirsten Class Video

Meet Kirsten

Kirsten Larson is a pioneer girl of strength and spirit growing up in Minnesota in 1854. After a long, dangerous voyage with her family from Sweden to America, Kirsten finds it difficult to get used to a new country and a new way of life. But as she makes friends and discovers what her new land has to offer, she learns the true meaning of home - and that love is the same in any language.

Day One

Welcome (p1-3) (NB pages)

Sweden Culture (p 40)

Sweden Rhyme (who can memorize it?)

Rida Rida Ranka

Rida, rida, ranka

(REE-da, REE-da, Rang-ka)

Hasten heter Blanka

(HES-ten HET-air BLANG-ka)

Vart skalldu rida?

(VART skahl doo REE-da?)

Rida sta’och fria

(REE-da sta ahk FREE-a)

Till en liten piga.

(TIL en LEET-en PEE-ga.)


Ride, ride, on my knee

The horse’s name is Blanka

Where are we riding?

Riding away to propose

To a little maid.

Immigrant to American

Why, Where, How

Boat Journey (p4-7) (NB Pages)

Cramped, 6 weeks, sickness

What events going on in America (p5)

How to travel in America (p 8-11)

Steam Boat


Wagon (NB page)

Vocabulary: Immigrant, Eagle (packet ships), steerage, chorela, tyfus, frontier,

Finish Notebook pages

Fashion Page (36-37)

Get dress: Skirt, Apron

Read (historical book p 32-35)

Paint trunk, spoons

Play games (NB page)

Fox and Geese (paint)…outside

I Have a Basket (inside or out)

Here I Bake, Here I Brew

Play with paper dolls/cat cradle (NB Page)

Make butter w/corn bread

Make ginger punch

Day Two
Skirt, apron, add: shawl, bonnet, spoon bag
Frontier Life (p12-13, 22-23
Home (notebook page) (p 14-15) and jobs (p22-23)
School (Kirsten 2nd book p 64-69)



Reward of Merit Award

Games (p 32-33)


Old Dan Tucker

Apple Dance

Circle Dance


Potato Soup

Apple Cider

Baked Apples

Maple Gingerbread


Used Kirsten's World book

Notebook pages are from:

Paper doll link:

Josefina Video

Meet Josefina

Josefina Montoya is a girl of heart and hope growing up in New Mexico in 1824. Ever since her Mama died, Josefina and her sisters have bravely met the challenges of the rancho without her. As they watch the new americano traders arrive from the east, they struggle to hold on to their mother's love and the old ways she taught them. Josefina dreams of becoming a healer like her Tia Magdalena. She feels lucky to have her family and faith to guide her!

Felicity Class Video

Meet Felicity

Felicity Merriman is a spunky, spritely girl growing up in Virginia in 1774, just before the Revolutionary War. Felicity grows impatient doing the "sitting-down kinds of things" that colonial girls are expected to do. She much prefers to be outdoors, especially riding horses! Felicity learns about loyalty and responsibility - to her family, her friends, and her country - and what it means to be truly independent.

Day One


What do you think of the book?

Go over Reading Journal

History (NoteBook pages) (page 1-3)

Time period…1774, map…fill in NB

Spanish territory, English territory, Mississippi river, 13 colonies, Virginia (review other map)

King George III ruled

Patriots and Loyalist

Who is Felicity? (NB)

She is a colonist: one is part of a territory ruled by a leader who lives far away.

Lives in Williamsburg, Virginia ruled by King George of England.

Felicity’s World (NB): (page10-11, 14-15, 20-25)

Felicity was to learn to be a gentlewoman.

Lessons in:


serving tea

dance: minuet

music: spinet or harpsichord

penmanship/handwriting: using a hornbook and then a copybook

She was also to learn to mange a household.

Living in 1774 (NB)

Patriots: Those who thought the colonist should be independent from England.

Loyalists: those who remain loyal to the King and England.

Traitor: a person show goes against his/her country.

Gentlewoman: a polite woman who is well respected in her community.

In Felicity Day (NB)

Boston Tea Party

December 16, 1773, after officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor

Midnight Ride

On the night of April 18, 1775, the Patriots watched for the lantern signal. When it came—two lanterns—they were ready. Paul Revere rode throughout the countryside, shouting, “Make haste? The regulars are coming!”

Revolution World

War between the Colonist and England

Minutemen were Patriots who promised to defend the villages in a “minute’s notice.”


Make Apple Butter

Dress Up

Play Games

  • Game of Grace
  • Frog In the Middle
  • Queens Anne
  • Scotch-Hoppers
  • Hide thimble

Ride Horse

Start Cross Stitch

Eat Apple Butter Snack

Day Two
  • Practice quill writing in copybook with hornbook
  • Design tea hat with flowers
  • Play more games
  • Review manners for tea
  • Have a formal tea

Notebook pages found on